Three Easy Steps to a Successful Night of Studying!

Three Easy Steps to a Successful Night of Studying!
Building good study habits will benefit your child throughout their entire school career.  It can be difficult to study if you are unsure of what to have your child do.  Here is a list of three easy steps to help your child be prepared for their next math test. 
What can I do to help study?
1.    Go over the practice test.  Is there anything that your child struggled with?   Give them more examples to practice that problem with. 

2.    Have your child explain their thinking when you review the practice test.  Were they able to tell you confidently how they solved each problem?  Your child is expected to be able to explain their thinking regularly.  Whether it is verbally or in written form.  Any practice with that is beneficial.

3.    Have your child make up similar problems and then solve them.  This shows that they understand what certain types of word problems look like whether it is division, multiplication, addition, or subtraction. 


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